
Each project presents unique challenges and requires unique solutions. However, many projects include the following services:

    • Extract critical commercial insights by consolidating and reviewing all pertinent historical data, key contracts, pivotal events, etc.
    • Develop product P&Ls and other informative analyses as the basis for profitability assessments
    • Identify key demand drivers, commercial metrics, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), operational spending patterns, etc. as the basis for financial models
    • Develop user-friendly consolidated financial models (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow statement) to enhance budgeting and long-term planning studies
    • Assess outlook for future profitability and identify risks/opportunities in market dynamics, pricing patterns, operating cost reductions, etc.
    • Perform valuation studies (NPV, ROI, etc.) for all projected scenarios
    • Establish Access database to organize historical data and provide the basis for retaining future results, market information, projections, etc.
    • Create dashboards and other custom reports to provide timely support for key management decisions
    • Transfer ownership of all models, reports and other information to client
    • Provide on-site training with remote follow-up to ensure complete transition of all project deliverables
    • Issue final report (PowerPoint or Word) and all supporting information to client

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